Monday, June 8, 2020

Left Wanting, from the Watt's notes.

Fast breaking thigh highs. Sluggish groove. Left wanting...more. 66th St & Holidays, 6/3/2020.

"You have been weighed, 
you have been measured,
and you have been found
wanting..."  -Count Adhemar

   The Crew, rejoined again after a long quarantine. One could argue self imposed or otherwise. I mean, was it really enforced? By law? Maybe local businesses had to abide by it. Larger organizations, certainly. But our little band of untouchables? I doubt it. Still, safety first...if not for ourselves then for family most assuredly. As local government and the state began to relax restrictions, we recognized our sign (beaches opened up) and set up the first surf session of the 2020 season. Water got warm early this year. If it wasn't for beach closings, I could've been surfing way back to near March as that was about the time the ocean started to exceed the fifty degree mark. Now we were about 67 degrees. Thigh high, right side fast breakers with maybe a waist high wave here and there. I had considered the full suit, no boots or gloves, but LWatt talked me into the spring shortie. More flexibility for my old ass. Really, in the end, added flexibility didn't help with the rust much. It took most of the sesh to start scraping it away. Clearly, this fit the bill for Target. He never complains about a good kook move.
Regardless, I was able to finish on a high note, though it left me wanting for more. I believe however, that the most perturbing portion of this episode was the fact that we were unable to continue our Quest. Yep, that's what it is...again...the Quest. The slack of further direction from our beloved Governor and his plan to continue to re-open the state's businesses, his hesitation to inject life back into our resort, to rebuild the Crews' mindset (i.e. cater to our sensibilities), left us wanting. If I were to weigh and measure the politicians at large, well, conspiracy comes to mind. At least toilet paper is on the rebound! Until the next session...think positive.
Feeling the frustration waiting for Phase 2 to open local restaurants.
"We can't control nature, or the economy, or our neighbors. But, at our
absolute best, we can control our attitude, the decisions we make, how
 we respond to the world around us, and how we treat other people." 
-Zach Weisburg, The Inertia Founder

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