Friday, June 3, 2016

Perfect Set, notes from the Target

"You never know what you're gonna find. You buy the ticket and you take the ride"  -Pepper, Push
Waist high ticket to ride. Holiday's shoulder break, 65th Street. 5/31/2016

   Holidays sometimes mean extended vacations and last week's surf made two weeks in a row for the Crew. With Dwatt's vacation near end we moved the weekly session forward a couple of days. Squeezing in one more before that long drive back to the "no Ocean land" known as Chicago was imperative for the Wattman.  However, as we arrived at the beach you could tell he had more than just surf on his mind.  Needed to let go of all the crap that somehow seems to hit us all and makes life hard. Needed to get wet. Just a little water time. A simple wave. Maybe a small rush as he slips a lip over the top and pops to his feet. But to find what he needed, Mother Ocean was going to make him work. There were no short cuts, no perfect set up, or clean wave shot. As Lisa and I watch from our positions on a windy beach, DWatt charged again and again into the brink. With each pass and walk back up the beach there was little talk, just a look that said, "the ride will come." A moment when the stoke of sliding down a clean frontside wall will overcome all. Thigh to waist high. Water had warmed a bit. Here and there he snagged a few small rides. Slowly the expression on his face changed. The ocean worked its magic again.
Every wipe-out sucks...skidding, face to face. 65th St. Break. 5/31/2016

   With lots of daylight this time of year we head to the Sunset Marina in West Ocean City and Teasers Dockside Bar. Wattman and I had been there in the shoulder season but this night was the first official summer review. First Tuesday of June...first deck party of the Summer...there was a fair crowd. Live band on an elevated stage across the dock. I felt they were loud. Not impressed. Wattman however, seemed to savor the whole experience. Summer has arrived. No denying it. 

And my first Leiny Summer Shandy was cold and most enjoyable. DWatt obviously happy with his discount Dogfish IPA, and Lisa nursed a couple of Crush's (2 for one advantage of the deck party). Ordered the BBQ Wings that arrived breaded (a supreme no-no!) and had no taste, tempura battered Mahi Fingers that were good but not memorable, and Caribbean Chicken Quesadilla that was the best app of the night. With three of us eating, we do get  more food and maybe a better idea of what the real score should be in this category. But, once again the night closed in on us and the Watt and Lisa had to leave. Goodbyes- always difficult, were exchanged. Till next we return...
"Breaded wings? You're blowin' it bro!" -Dan Marino
BBQ Wings: C-
Mahi Fingers: C+
Caribbean Quesadilla: B
Beer: B-
Atmosphere: A-
Overall Score = 2.25