Saturday, July 14, 2012

Express Ride South, notes from the Target

NE chops, 7/12

   The summer evening we look forward to...sunny skies, warm temps, light breezes.  The perfect surf day.  As we cleared the dune line...did we mention breezes...onshore breezes...outta the Northeast?  Not good.   Nor'east winds tend to chop up the surf like a sushi chef dices Ahi.  Not good.  High tide and a strong southbound express ride south while pickin' thru trash.  Did I mention not good?  With the beach crowd thinning despite it being the best part of the evening, DWatt made numerous attempts to snag a ride.  Pass after pass he'd drift by.  I thought about waving like you would to someone you recognize in a passing car, but my arm would've surely worn out before that first elusive cut.  Lefts are not his forte so to speak.  But carve he did...a small right slurve (slop with a little curve/wall to it) and then a little speed run on the backside to end the night.  Once the itch was fulfilled, the Crusade was to occupy the balance of the evening with the pursuit of yet another hashery with wings in it's offering.


   As if the current still had an influence, we headed south to Old Town OC and de Lazy Lizard on 1st and the bay.  Regardless of Watt's assurances that parking would not be a problem, ongoing bar expansion (who does expansion the middle of the summer season?  Seriously?) had taken up most of the original spaces. Two streets later, we were parked and walkin'. Cuffed with wristbands to identify our beer eligibility, we found a great spot at the tiki bar.
   The music was the first hint that the night was only going to get better. Van Halen's "Ain't Talking 'Bout Love." Huh...HUH? Yeah! That's right. We had a splendiferous sunset on the bay, the sound of passing boats and their wake splashing against the bulkheads, the smell of marine fuel as boats pulled up to the docks to access the bar...sights and sounds accented by the classic rock rifts booming through the sound system. The draft beer selection was minimal...mostly domestics, but the cups were filled to the brim. And though food service was a bit slow, the barkeeps (only one female behind the bar...where all the women at?) were humpin' to take care of the summer crowd. But, it was the wings that we came for and wings we got. Old Bay (highly recommended) and Buffalo Hot. While we have always had a good Old Bay experience (with the exception of Buxy's...squalid, just squalid...look it up), these may have been the most perfect OLD Bay wings we have ever had. Very large. Well cooked. Hot out of the fryer, and with a flavor and backdoor heat that one can just simply say, "yes." No more words needed, just pass another wing. The Hot wings were just as well prepared, but next to the Old Bay, only slightly above average in taste.
Posted decor.

   While we finished our meal, a 2-man band, Tim and The Animal,  went to work.  But it was the percussionist, "the Animal," who stole the show ripping up bongos and cymbals with taped hands and wild hair, bobbing his head as if each song was done in Heavy Metal. As the set ended so did our visit. A return engagement in the future? Absolutely!*
Hot Wings: B
Old Bay Wing: A+
Beer: C+
Music/TV: A
Atmosphere: B+

*Some creative liberties within text taken by the Watt,ed.

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