Friday, April 27, 2012

Heard The Whisper, notes from The Target*

Here's your sign.  Read it.




   We have been seduced by the sirens call in the wind.  "For the only one whom can whisper to you the ways of the surf, is the wind."  But we have always known, no man can possibly hold out against the perpetual stoke, the everlasting bliss, of the Ocean.  So this week, we do an about face and head the beach.   We did not pause, we ignored the "no parking" signs, we paid no mind to the vast emptiness of the beach. We marched on over dune and newly groomed sandy paths.  The Atlantic lay spread before us, its swell shimmering like glass with knee to waist high sets.  The return. A five month promise kept.  Deliverance.

4/25 Sesh sets.


Chilled  56F waters. Watt-man, with abandon of all concern (i.e. replete with full rubber including boots and gloves) descended.  Searching...the first true ride of the year.  HT stood ground.  Waiting for the allusive perfect pic of surf and stick (and wondering where all the beach chics were...very poor conversation opportunities this round).  The evening progressed.  The Watt dug deep, and pulled into several nice early season rides before the wind died and the sets flattened. Nice night.


   As we headed back inland, our spirits were renewed. The crusade now had its legs.  Truly it can be said, one can only comprehend the perfect beer and wing after time at the beach.  But, on a Wednesday, with mid-week preferences limited due to off season schedules would our choice be disastrous?  We decided to go classic and headed north towards the long established Original Greene Turtle.  A sports enthusiasts haven, the only special tonight was the Caps hockey playoff game on the tubular. And plenty of views all around. But, no music.  That's right, none. No band, no radio, no nothin'! No good.  Beer... fine selection. We had us a couple of nice tastin' craft drafts.  Cold AND expensive! $7.50...Come On Man! Domestics were $3.50. DOMESTICS!  Wings were good, meaty, well cooked, but flavor wise- very garden variety.  Just average in all departments.  Even our bartender had customer rotation on his mind. Soon as we were done our wings he was ready with the hammer, er check. Wings clocked in at a current Skeleton record $1.30/wing. These types of summer-like OC prices can bring a surf high down faster than a face plant in one foot shore break with no insurance to cover the doctor bill (and a new ding on the board...or in our case the a reminder).
Give 'em a C.  All categories.  Score 2.0.  Period.
   Live and learn, or as to the Turtle, live and let die.  Got us the beach. Got us the surf.  Got us the Crusade.  Number One...engage.

                                                                                                             *Artistic license taken in 
                                                                                                                edit by The Watt

1 comment:

  1. Sweet post. This is what life is all about; ocean, friends, and beer. Keep em comin'!
