Semi-clean conditions, low tide, 47 Degrees...hoods still required. Roadways lineup- 30th Street, OCMD. 4/8/2016 |
It's been a while.
While usually we take a small break to recharge each winter, this year everything has been different. With the Wattman living out of state its been hard to connect; the crew, while never out of mind was certainly out of sight. But, DWatt and Lisa put together a long weekend to take care of some local business and it was time to reconnect. You can say what you want, the 'ol adage applies... once you have sand between your toes, never being able to leave. What I do know is the need to be at the beach again meant DWatt spent an entire day shopping at surf shops in OC, Lisa in tow. Could be the smell of salt air was like a high octane rush that he couldn't leave. He just wandered from place to place getting that beach fix his soul required.
High-octane rush. 4/8/2016 |
This time around however, my requirements would mean we would be need to stay in the "Bury," and we were fortunate enough to have a new place in town to sojourn to.
Hoppers Tap House, part of a restaurant complex on the Southside by the college. Bordering several eating establishments around a center court, the place had only been open a couple weeks. A lot of kinks need to be worked out. But one can see the idea has great potential. It was a good mix of young, old,and cool people like us. Add live music on a corner stage, and the place started jumpin'. While it was a bit loud, the service disorganized (problems handling the crowds), and slow (more like self serve you have to keep checking on), we decided to sit at a table in the bar and get a
Primo Hoagies sub and wings from
Wingin' It with our cold brews. Now summer may be a bit on the horizon, but here on the Shore we have not yet received our first shipment of Summer Shandy. DWatt keeps telling me how they already have it in ChiTown. Thus, I settled in with a local brew as did Wattman and Lisa after trying several samples from the numerous draft choices. Let me state now, while the beer was cold... the glass was not. Multi-selection taps mean it is a must to chill the glass if they're ever going to fix this type of problem. Yes, I do have an attitude. Its been many months since I have had a good cold beer. And for the prices we payed, I want things done right or you can expect your score to reflect our discontent. However, food order problems notwithstanding, the night was a success. Just being with friends you have missed means a lot. You don't really have to talk a lot. Just hangin' out together once again brings back the energy that has been missing. So, as we walked off into the night we planned our next meeting in several weeks. Next time its the beach, and salt air. We can argue later who needs it more.
Wingin' It Bourbon Q Wings: C- (speed it up!)
Primo Hoagies Turkey Sub: B
Beer: B- (chill it!)
Atmosphere: B+
Overall Score = 2.69
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