December 21st, 2010, marked the shortest day of the year. But while it was the shortest, it was by no means the coldest. Derived from the Latin phrase "sun stands still," the "solstice" of winter is when the arc of the sun is at it's lowest and from this point forward the sun is on the rise lengthening each day. Our temperatures tend to lag however. During December and early January the Earth still has heat retained from the previous warmer months. But, as the earth is always losing heat, the days are not yet long enough to replace that lost heat so into February the days generally get colder, (like a bank account who's withdrawals exceed deposits).
Early Winter 2011

By late February, March we reach a point where the heat stored/lost ratio begins to turn the corner for the positive and the Spring thaw begins. The lineup is on its ass, soon to open up for us non-hood wearin' mo-fo's. That's what I'm talkin' about! So until then...
bring on the wings 'n beer!

Smitty McGees- Jan, 2011
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