Last fall I went to my high school reunion (What year? If I say then I'll be dating. Course, if age is just a number, why care? But I digress...), during which one of our infamous nor'easters was pummelling the OC(MD). The rain was literally "big 'ol fat rain" and comin' down in sheets. Trees were bending at near 45 degrees or better, Mother Ocean was churning up blender style waves all the way thru the inlet. How do I know? I'm with my girl, and we're rockin' the inlets Harrison's Harbour Watch where there was an incredible view of the blow. Now I digress even further...a ballbustin' classmate of mine asked me what I'd been up to lately. I told him "surfing... as much as possible considering family, job, etc." His response: "there ain't no waves in Ocean City! What the F#%k do you ride?" I smiled, then looked at my girl ( it!) then back and snapped, "I'll sent you a pic on Facebook." A nice shot...chest high, carving the base. When the stars align, the moon is right, and forces permit, we can have some serious swell.
So, you're asking, what the F%#k? Where are you goin' with this?...2010 son. The majority of the year left us asking, "where in the hell is the swell? Where are the waves?" Waist high was a big day. Most of the time we were watchin' read "ankle to knee...or smaller." I hear my aged buddy's voice..."there ain't no waves in Ocean City!" Whaddya do? Ya ride! Each week make the best of what "Ol' Man Weather" will give ye. Then look to the next week with optimism. I'm a (Washington) Redskin fan. Same concept.
May, 2010
June, 2010

We spend most of October back down into the knee highs or less, AND by the end of the evening, in the dark. Until last week when tropical storm Shary brought us some waist to chest, briefly.

This week...the first week of November, the last week of Daylight Savings...waist to chest and building! (maybe Tomas in the Gulf?) AND, they're saying clean. That means rides. That means stoke. Good times, good times!

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