Crews' Break - no waves to be seen, 12/12. |
But, plenty of surf paraphernalia available... |
Twas thirteen days before Christmas and all around Delmarva, not a Shoreman was stirring except for those who needed Hot Wings. Time for the Crews' annual Christmas session, the last of the year. This one held at Nick's House of Ribs on 145th street. Over the years our numbers have diminished. For the last couple of years it's been two...DWatt and myself. But Christmas celebrations are about friends and good times, so we have persevered just fine.
Into the Sports Bar we went. Not overly fact we totaled four. Decked to the hilt with wreaths and garland in every available space, we pull up a couple of stools in front of 3 flatscreens... basketball, college football awards, and Thursday Night Football. Not bad. Classic Rock playin'. Our seasoned barkeep asks us for our drink preferences and immediately has a couple of ice chilled mason jar drafts in front of us. Not much of a selection, but ice cold- liquid gold I tell ya. I was thinkin' Santa came by early as these were the coldest beers we've had in 9 months! Maybe this was actually "St. Nick's" place. Ok, so we were getting a bit giddy with the whole cold brew holiday mason jar thing they had goin.' Obviously the Grinch had some influence as well. Scanning the menu, only one type of wing...breaded, deep fried, and seasoned. Came with Hot and BBQ dipping sauces. We ain't your dipping sauce kind of wing fans here. And honestly, the wings were actually better plain. The seasoning was admittedly tasty. And after all, it's Christmas. No damper happenin' here!
Seasoned Wings: C+
Wings w/ Sauces: C
Beer: C+
Atmosphere: C
Overall Score = 2.13
On the way outta town we do a drive by the Winterfest of Lights, an Ocean City tradition for many a year. As with most of our weekly sessions, the cold air was whuppin' putting wind chills into the single digits.
Target carves thru the WOL entrance. |
Did a quick walking tour. Emphasis on quick. Wished each other well for the Holidays, and jumped back into our warm vehicles for the trek home. "And I heard them exclaim as they drove out of sight, 'Mele Kalikimaka to all and to all a stoked night!'"
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"Merry Christmas, ya filthy animal!" -Home Alone |